

A beginning not an end

You've reached the point where you've decided to retire from your working life, but for many people, this is a new start, whether it's to pursue your hobbies, to offer your skills as a volunteer or to mentor others. It can be frightening though for some, who have seen their working life as a measure of their success that defines who they are.

Alice Jones Coaching can help you to develop a practical plan in order to prepare for this next phase in your life. 
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looking to the future

  • My job has been my life - who am I now?
  • I've no idea how to give my life some purpose and structure
  • How I can best use my skills and experience to benefit others?
  • I need to generate some income in retirement

Manage the stress of leaving the workplace

Find purpose and meaning in retirement

Seek out opportunities for volunteering and mentoring

Explore options to generate income in retirement


Manage the stress of leaving the workplace

Find purpose and meaning in retirement

Seek out opportunities for volunteering and mentoring

Explore options to generate income in retirement

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream

C S Lewis

Call us today for a free 30 minute consultation
Alice Jones is a valuable individual who I would highly recommend for any student or organisation seeking to improve their weaknesses..
Alice guided and prepared him for the rigours of university presentations and interviews - offered an unconditional place at his first choice!
Alice has helped my children with interview techniques and helped give them a confidence to believe in themselves
Alice is a highly skilled, intuitive coach, who is passionate about helping young people realise and achieve their full potential.